[Ok_vkv_list] Fwd: Vecchiacchi Memorial Contest

OK1VAO, Jan Karel ok1vao na post.cz
Čtvrtek Listopad 25 14:40:13 CET 2021

Ahoj všem,

byl jsem požádán o přeposlání níže uvedeného e-mail VKV komunitě v OK.

73 Honza

---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Alex IV3KKW <iv3kkw na gmail.com>

Datum: 25. 11. 2021 12:02:48
Předmět: Vecchiacchi Memorial Contest 

Please give diffusion to this message in your local VHF Forum and website.

Thank you

73 Alex IV3KKW


Hello, I wanted to bring to your attention an event that has been taking 
place since 1965 and is organized by the A.R.I. of Lucca:

The VECCHIACCHI Memorial Contest.

Originally thought to remember Prof. FRANCESCO VECCHIACCHI, the scientist 
who worked in many fields of telecommunications, later also named Rino I5MMC
after he passed away, who for many years was the organizer of the contest. 

In a few days the 57th edition will be held at the following times:

December  4th                  144 MHz                    from 14.00 to 
22.00 GMT.

December 5th                  432 MHz and Up             from 08.00 to 12.00

The final rankings are divided by fixed and portable stations.


The complete rules are on http://www.arilucca.it/regolamento.html


The special station II5VMD will be active for the entire duration of the 

Every year the participation from Italy is very important so we would be 
very happy if you want to be active and send us your log.


73 de Iacopo IK5AMB

ik5amb na tin.it(mailto:ik5amb na tin.it) 

Vecchiacchi Memorial Contest Manager

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